Bubbler Talk listener, Sophia Heyn discovered the geological history of quarrying in Estabrook Park while researching a school assignment. We went together to discover the history of the riverbed.
Join us for Bubbler Talk Trivia as we continue celebrating our 60th birthday!
When: April 10, 2025
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Where: Gathering Place Brewing Company (Riverwest)
When: April 10, 2025
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Where: Gathering Place Brewing Company (Riverwest)

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Why is Wisconsin so important to U.S. politics? This podcast explores why the nonpartisan Wisconsin Supreme Court race feels so partisan and why it matters.

Public media stations are currently facing growing challenges that could impact our ability to provide our essential public service.
Candidates Susan Crawford and Brad Schimel have differing views. So do voters.
The Climate Accountability Act is proposing cutting Wisconsin’s greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030.
Felicia Clayborne is a mover and a shaker. She also navigates the world with multiple disabilities, receiving care and support through Medicaid. Kathryn Florence Burish also receives Medicaid coverage and long-term care for her Down Syndrome. Both women weigh in on attempts to cut funding to the federal program that serves low-income Americans and individuals with disabilities.
We are looking for 897 individuals to give $1,000 each.
Milwaukee County is using data as a tool to understand drug overdose trends. A new Overdose Dashboard is tracking data in 20 municipalities.
Milwaukee County’s district attorney has long sought to keep its "Brady List" secret. The list has the names of law enforcement officers with histories of credibility concerns or past crimes. A months-long, collaborative report examines what was being hidden from public view for so long.
Our grade school understanding of the Solar System may not take into account the constant discoveries being made in our cosmic neighborhood.
Esto es lo que hay que saber de immigración y las escuelas.
All students in the United States are guaranteed access to public education, regardless of their immigration status. Here's how that's playing out in one classroom.
Last Friday’s heated argument at the White House between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy helped prompt another pro-Ukraine rally in downtown Milwaukee on Sunday. The rally drew roughly 250 people in support of Ukraine.
Drastic changes are happening in the federal government. Here's how to reach your representatives and senators in Congress.
Living to old age is an accomplishment. It’s reflective of a life well-lived and knowledge gained.